7 Tips to Make Cleaning Fun for Kids
Dirty dishes. Messy bedrooms. Toys on the living room floor. Some days, there just isn’t a good way to avoid the chores. But could you imagine the whole family cleaning the house including the kids?
Although it seems impossible … it is possible! How to do it?
Let’s see below seven practical tips to organize household cleaning with the whole family.
1. Make a list of all the housework.
Making the list together is the first step in sharing, so everyone can realize how much work there is to do.
2. Create a homework calendar
Divide tasks up into Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Seasonal.
Is a good idea to do a “signup sheet” with the children and hang it on the fridge or on the wall so family members can put their names next to a chore they’d like to do.
3. Work with what you have.
If you nine years old enjoys washing dishes, encourage him to do it often and teach her to do it right.
4. Make it fun.
Show your family that housework doesn’t have to be all drudgery. Turn on some music and dance while you clean. Or perhaps organize a small competition among the children to see who ends up tidying their room first or picking up the clothes from the dryer. Be creative.
5. Give them the right tools.
Wouldn’t your kids love to clean with a broom or mop that’s their size? In this way, they can feel more enthusiastic about their tasks
6. Create a Reward System.
Perhaps the child will get to choose the family’s Friday night dinner or they’ll get to stay up an hour longer on the weekend. Once kids are rewarded and celebrated for sticking to positive behavior, they’ll probably be more cooperative in the future.
7. Learn to Accept What You Can
It is impossible to keep a tidy and clean home with kids. Focus on the areas that matter.
If you can financially afford it, have someone come to your house every 3-4 weeks to do a deep clean for you. It will save you so much time and effort, especially if you have little kids to take care of.
For an extra hand in the kitchen and around the house – Contact us – Let us take care to clean all of your home’s floors, cabinets, and anything else you need!

Wondering what kids can do?
Here’s a list